
Embrace your vision.

Want to align your social justice values with your academic scholarship and teaching? My Enough Y’all updates will bring you tips & resources to do just that.

3 vintage books and decorative squiggle lines in blue, turquoise, gray and yellow.
[FORTHCOMING with Routledge]
Editors: Kim Case and Leah Warner


This edited collection for social justice academics will empower them to navigate the complexities of institutional procedures, recognize invisible walls that slow progress, and curate coalitions for systemic change. This book will provide a collection of honest, critically reflective personal narratives by social justice academics leading systemic change within their institutions. The faculty narratives focus on the realities of engaging in social justice work beyond one’s individual teaching or research to transform the institution. The faculty authors will share openly about these experiences: their motivations, concerns, challenges, alliance-building, lessons learned along the way, missteps, moments of hopelessness, moments of major “wins,” and what they wish they had known from the start.

Editors: Mary Kite, Wendy R. Williams, Kim Case
American Psychological Association Press

This essential resource examines common issues educators face when teaching social justice and diversity-related courses and offers best practices for addressing them. Our amazing authors discuss the many roles instructors play inside and outside of college and university classrooms, for example, in handling personal threats, responsibly incorporating current events into classroom discussion, navigating their own stigmatized or privileged identities, dealing with bias in teaching evaluations, and engaging in self-care.

My second book advances an educational agenda that dismantles the dominant categorical approach which treats social identities as mutually exclusive. My pedagogical model for teach­ing intersectionality and contributors’ groundbreaking essays provide scholarship and practical applications to aid faculty in promoting complex critical dialogues about systems of privilege and oppression. With its range of disciplinary perspectives and evidence-based strategies, this volume is a much-needed resource for any student or educator who wishes to bring social justice into the classroom.

"Intersectional Pedagogy is a marvelous resource for anyone aiming to integrate intersectionality into their teaching. Faculty and graduate student teachers will find many ideas about how to talk about intersectionality in a variety of course settings and as it arises in the context of various social identities, as well as an amazing array of teaching resources, and detailed strategies about how to pursue classroom discussions and activities that live up to the complexity and depth of the theorizing about intersectionality."
Abby Stewart, Ph.D.
University of Michigan Sandra Schwartz Tangri Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Women's Studies

This book introduces a model of privilege studies pedagogy, explores best practices for teaching and learning about various forms of systemic group privilege, and
provides scholarship and practical applications to aid faculty in becoming effective allies to students in the classroom. Three sections of the volume address: 1) transformation privilege studies pedagogy; 2) intersectional approaches to teaching and learning about privilege; and 3) classroom strategies and applications for teaching about privilege. This innovative collection emphasizes intersections of identity as an essential aspect of privilege pedagogy.

“Of course it would be Kim Case – stunning social psychologist, provocative researcher, dedicated educator and wonderfully accessible writer – who would edit the first, and soon to be classic, text on privileged studies… We owe Kim Case a huge debt of gratitude for this is indeed a long over-due ‘coming out’ for privilege studies.”

Michelle Fine, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Urban Education, and Women’s Studies, The Graduate Center – City University of New York